According to John Kao's comments, we could say there is no way to Innovation, Innovation is the way.But this way starts by pressing down the reset buton, which means we must think about everything from a beginner's point of view. And this is how it is, especially nowaydays, with the current global recession.The recession, according to him, does not represent a cycle.It represents a reset, an emotional, social and economic reset that we must regard as like an opportunity rather than a danger.
For him, Innovation is not a question of territory. During his speech, we could see a new global map of Innovation where we can find big, medium and small countries: Canada, the United States, Chile, Brazil, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, Russian Federation, China, South Korea, Japan, Israel, India,Vietnam, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.
He explained that if it is true that Innovation has spread worldwide, this does not mean this must be related to the type of country, whether it is bigger or not...The question is the impact of Innovation in the world, but not in terms of scale, just in terms of effiectiveness.
That is why I20 was created, where the most influencial people from those different countries were borught to discuss further the different subjects related to Innovation, like Economic growth, Sustainability and Wellbeing that are the most important points to bear in mind.
I20 and the Large Scale Innovation Institute consider that Innovation has some caracteristics which are:
-Innovation, must edge away of large, emerging waves of innovation and closer to which that involves an ecosystem of participants from public, private and NGO stakeholders.
-Innovation must be at the level of society, it can be in a city, in a region, in a country.
-Innovation at a worlwide level, where "wicked" problems require Innovation at the scale of global systems.
Innovation is Creativity applied to a purpose to emphasize value.It is the ability to continuosly achieve of a desired future state. It's the engine of social progress and prosperity. Innovation is the key to obtain the future we decided we want.The thing is how we ensure we can get it?
It is not only a question of investment in technology. Investing in the appropiate technology it is only a step, but we need additional factors such as understand that working together around the world can be good for all parts of the team. There is more and more Innovation by means of collaboration.
And the big problems can be seen as opportunities for working together on them to try to solve them: Green Innovation, Sustainability, Energy, Smart cities, e-Education, Security, Wellbeing, Government-2.o, and so on.These are the biggest arenas for Innovation, according to John Kao.
A collaborative job is necessary. But to work together we must learn to do it, because there is something that can appear whenever or wherever, the unexpected factor.This means that,even if we are working in the best organisation, with the best equipment, the best technology and so on, there is always something unexpected that can emerge, at a personal, organisational or national level.
This be in this case, Innovation is a question of anticipating to the posible problems or circumstances that can appear.
These opinions from John Kao were given at the opening of "The Week" which is the brand name for the Science,Technology and Innovation,Quality and Excellence week which has been extended to last 13 days.
At the opening, Pilar Kaltzada was the presenter and introducer of speakers: Pedro Luis Uriarte(Innobasque ), Txema Guisasola (Euskalit), Bernabé Unda (Basque -Industry department) and Patxi López (Basque Government -President).
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