Think, do and Innovate.Let us think about this sentence.It is true...Think + Do =Innovate... The humankind history is characterized by the course of the history of Thought and Science (Read History of thought and Science by Ludovico Geymonat). Innovations are the results of this process emerging over thousands of years, and they have been intertwined in ways more or less parallel, depending on which of them stepped of the development accelerator.
Small inventions gave place to larger ones, small improvements gave rise to new products, sometimes unheard ideas, original or rare, resulted in new ways, new perspectives. Now and then we listen to someone saying that we can not reinvent the wheel or there is nothing new under the Sun..., but, now and then, we can be surprised by new products, services or processes, as we can see, for example, in Theo Jansen 's kinetic works.
From the moment that pressing social needs appear, it is clear that something is wrong with the current pace of life we have today: construction bubble, political corruption, financial crisis, compulsive and irresponsible consumerism, economic growth in some economic sectors to the detriment of others, instability or lack of quality employment, rising unemployment, etc.
Since well before the current recession, the economic and social system has been showing symptoms of mismatches and inconsistencies, but that has not been sufficient to make this situation critical. A whole series of factors happening simultaneously has been needed to occur a bankruptcy on a magnitude greater than previous historical crises and to sound the alarms of the economic, historical and even sociodemographic analyses, which atempt to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
It is therefore now time to rethink things, consider about the current situation, and reflect on how we can solve pressing problems that surround us and act in a different, innovative way.
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