martes, 20 de enero de 2009

Several inequalities or INEQUALITY in capital letters?

In the articles or comments from several publications that currently deal with subjects related to the present crisis and its effects, there are three main underlying themes: economic, social and sexual inequality.

On the one hand, citizens are warned by experts in innovation that " they should tighten their belts" , as they warned us at the outset of other recessions . At he same time, in the mass media, we can observe how the great financial companies receive state aid to patch over their deficits or how increasing numbeers of companies are announcing redundancies, etc.Does this mean something like "I´m telling you, so you cannot complain" or is it something like "we are all in the same boat but not you"?.

On the other hand, they advise the companies to regard this situation as an opportunity to rethink their policies of expansion or acquire qualified labour. Perhaps there were no qualified people working in the companies before the crisis?

They, finally, even recommend that companies wishing facing future challenges should maintain in their company female workers since they provide them with a high percentage of that qualified working group. Must we think that this is going to keep in equality of working conditions or simply it continues their current ones?

While those three fundamental or basic subjects are not considered as the necesary ones to solve the present economic and social situation in a global way, we will only be able to wait for relative lightening or unsolving situations of more or less cyclical and more or less deep crises.

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